The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report on “Suicides in India 2022” has been published. While suicide is an extremely tragic incident irrespective of any parameter, Voice For Men India analyses the report gender wise to demonstrate how despite the male suicide number being much higher, our men have virtually zero state support when it comes to their well-being, family or matrimonial problems that lead them to take this final step.
Total Number of Suicides Reported (2022)
The NCRB report states overall numbers for the past five years 2018 – 2022. Unfortunately, this number has been increasing year on year.
A total of 1,70,924 suicides were reported in the country during 2022 which marked an increase of 4.2% as compared to the numbers of total suicides in 2021. The rate of suicides has increased by 3.3% in the year 2022 V. in the year 2021.

Total Number of Suicide (2022): State Wise
Maximum number of suicides in 2022 were reported from the state of Maharashtra (22,746) followed by 19,834 suicides in Tamil Nadu, 15,386 suicides in Madhya Pradesh, 13,606 suicides in Karnataka and 12,669 suicides in West Bengal accounting for 13.3%, 11.6%, 9.0%, 8.0% and 7.4% of total suicides respectively.
Delhi, which is the most-populous Union Territory (UT), has reported the highest number of suicides (3,417) among UTs, followed by Puducherry (481).

Total Number of Suicide (2022): Gender Wise
If we look at just the actual numbers gender wise for overall suicides accounted in 2022, the same have been reported as below:
- Male: 122,724
- Female: 48,172
- Transgender: 28

Gender Wise Suicide Numbers & Ratio: Last 3 Years
Let us also understand a comparison in suicide numbers and gender wise percentage in the past three years – 2020 – 2021 – 2022
The overall male : female ratio of suicide for the year 2022 was 71.8 : 28.2, which is less as compared to year 2021 (72.5 : 27.4). However, the absolute numbers for both genders have been on the rise.

Gender Wise Suicide Numbers: Age Group
While we have observed the suicide numbers gender wise above, it is also important to observe the age groups of suicides for men, women and transgenders.
The age group (18 – below 30 years) and persons of 30 years – below 45 years of age were the most vulnerable groups resorting to suicides. These age groups accounted for 34.6% and 31.8% suicides respectively.

Marital Status Gender Wise
Marital Status of victims is classified in seven categories namely
- Un-married
- Married
- Widowed/Widower
- Divorcee
- Separated
- Others
- Status Not Known
A total of 67% (1,14,485 out of 1,70,924) of the suicide victims were married while 24.6% were un-married (42,049). Widowed/Widower, Divorcees and Separated have accounted for 1.5% (2,518 victims), 0.6% (960 victims) and 0.6% (999 victims) of total suicide victims respectively during 2022.

Causes & Top Reasons For Suicides
Family Problems and Illness once again were the major causes of suicides which accounted for 31.7% and 18.4% of total suicides respectively during 2022. Drug Abuse/ Alcoholic Addiction (6.8%), Marriage Related Issues (4.8%), Love Affairs (4.5%), Bankruptcy or Indebtedness (4.1%), Unemployment (1.9%), Failure in Examination (1.2%), Professional/Career Problem (1.2%), Death of Dear Person (1.2%) and Property Dispute (1.1%) were other causes of suicides.

The proportion of female victims were reportedly more in ‘Marriage Related Issues’ (specifically in ‘Dowry Related Issues’), and ‘Impotency/Infertility’. However, year after year, NCRB fails to categorise suicide numbers of men and their families who are harassed and threatened for alimony during divorce, false criminal cases or even adultery by wife.
Voice For Men India Take:
- As mentioned at the beginning of this article, we do not want to devalue any life more than the other
- It is only a family member or the loved one of the deceased that truly understands the loss back home
- The objective of breaking down the NCRB Report Gender Wise is to specifically point out the lack of any government support and the complete indifference from all centre and state parties in power towards this problem
- For women who can equally be victims, there are numerous state run and private platforms that come to their aid in need
- On the other hand, men who are victims are left to battle against absolute gender biased matrimonial laws, along with loss of respect and dignity in society
- India carries the tag of being patriarchal, however, this patriarchy has never spared the men either
- Unfortunately, whenever a man expresses his personal problems with his friends, colleagues or even his own parents or family member, he is giving one golden advice: “Nibha lo, sab theek ho jayega” (try to adjust, all will be fine)
- It is due to these situations where men feel completely trapped, have no where to go or speak to, which lead them to take such extreme steps
- While no one can personally feel what the other is going through in that spur of the moment, we can only say that no individual or problem is that big enough to give up on a beautiful life
- You may be gone, but you will leave behind endless sorrows and life long heartaches for your old parents and other loved ones
- In case you feel the need to speak up about your matrimonial problems, please reach out to the NGO below that runs a National Helpline free of cost
Save Indian Family (SIF) +91 8882 498 498. You can also click here for city wise contact details.
Marital Rape Law | Advocate J Sai Deepak | Voice For Men India | Other Side
NCRB Suicide Report 2021 | 72% Men : 27% Women | Married Men 1.82 Times Higher Than Married Women | Top Cause: Family Problems
NCRB Suicide Report 2020 | 71% Men; 29% Women | Married Men 1.6 Times Higher Than Married Women
NCRB Suicide Report 2019 | Male – 98,000; Female – 41,000; Top Cause: Family Problems
#NCRB Suicide Report 2022 | Gender Wise Analysis | Married Men 1.73 Times Higher Than Married Women
— Voice For Men India (@voiceformenind) December 5, 2023
▪️Married Men: 83,713
▪️Married Women: 30,771
▪️Top Cause: Family Problems (31.7%)
Read thread / click on link for full report#VoiceForMen#NCRBReport
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