Last week, National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) released their latest 2019 report on suicide rate in India. According to the data released on Tuesday, a total of 1,39,123 suicides were reported in India in 2019 — an increase of 3.4 per cent in comparison to 2018, which saw 1,34,516 suicides.
Maharashtra topped the chart in the total number of suicides, while Karnataka was ahead of others in terms of suicides due to unemployment. This is the second time Karnataka registered the highest number of suicides in the country due to joblessness.
More Male Suicides Than Female
According to the report, the overall male-female ratio among those who killed themselves in 2019 was 70.2 males to 29.8 females, which is higher when compared to 2018 (68.5 males to 31.5 females).
Out of the total 97,613 male suicides, maximum were committed by:
- Daily wage earners (29,092)
- Self-employed persons (14,319)
- Unemployed (11,599)
A total of 41,493 females committed suicides in 2019, out of which
- 21,359 were housewives
- 4,772 were student
- 3,467 were daily wage earners
A total of 17 transgenders have committed suicide. Out of the 17 transgenders,
- 4 were unemployed
- 4 daily wage earners
- 2 were self-employed
- 1 was a student
- Six fall under the ‘Other’ category”
Data showed that 66.7 per cent (92,757 out of 1,39,123) of those who committed suicides were married, while 23.6 per cent were unmarried (32,852).
32.4% Suicide Due To Family Problems
According to the report, family problems and illness were found to be the major causes of suicides, where:
- 32.4 per cent of cases were related to family problems
- 17.1 per cent were due to ill health
- 5.6 per cent due to drug abuse and addiction
- 5.5 per cent due to marriage related issues
- 4.5 per cent due to love affairs gone wrong
- 4.2 per cent due to bankruptcy or indebtedness
- 2 per cent due to failure in examination
- 2 per cent due to unemployment
- 1.2 per cent due to professional career problems
- 1.1 per cent due to property dispute
According to the report, one in every three of the 140,000 people who died of suicide in 2019 took the step due to family problems.

State Figures
Uttarakhand: The hilly state of India Uttarakhand has seen a considerable rise in suicide cases in 2019. As per the report, the state has witnessed 22% increase rate in suicide cases, as compared to the year 2018. The highest number of suicides happened due to family reasons.
Uttarakhand reported total 516 cases of death by suicide in 2019 with the maximum — 394 cases (over 76 %)—being related to family-related issues in 2019. Out of the 394 deaths by suicide due to family-related issues,
- 260 victims were male
- 134 victims were female
Love affairs led to 35 cases of death by suicide including deaths of 22 males and 13 females.
Uttarakhand is among the top five states in the country with the highest percentage increase in total suicide cases.
Odisha: This state is listed second with 60.7% giving up their lives due to family feuds.
Tripura: With 55.4% suicides, Tripura becomes the third highest ranked state when it comes to suicide rate by family issues.
Marriage Related Problems
Male: 3382
Female: 4213
Family Problems
Male: 30,110
Female: 15,025
Love Affairs
Male: 3674
Female: 2637
Physical Abuse (Rape)
Male: 81
Female: 72
Suspected Illicit Relation
Male: 442
Female: 255
Click on the link for detailed gender and cause wise NCRB report 2019
Despite the alarming suicide figures for Men in India — largely due to family and marital problems — we still do not have any commission for the male gender. We also do not have a family welfare commission that can deal with marital problems as a whole. Unfortunately, one sided commission (NCW India) may not be fair in their assessments towards men/husbands, who often men are labelled as abusers/culprits even before a court judgement.
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