Dear Men,
On this International Men’s Day, instead of celebrating the ‘milestone achievement’ of not shaving your beard or not reacting to porn videos for the entire 30 days to commemorate Movember month; rather take some time out, from your busy life, make attempts to enlighten yourself with men’s issues little by little on a daily basis.
Although this world is a beautiful place (I truly believe it is) in spite of being chaotically messed up, it is equally important to be abreast about what’s happening in your surrounding and across the globe:
- Be it false cases under women-centric laws
- Rape and sexual harassment
- Unfair social media trial,
- Suicide
- Domestic violence
- Depression
…….and a lot of other crisis several men silently suffer from.
You might probably think they are isolated cases not worthy of being discussed, but sorry to burst the bubble you live in! These cases are way more prevalent than ever and are often overlooked. Faux liberals, radical feminists, and queer activists can be blamed because they have been silent, developed a ‘cry me a river’ attitude and have intense resentment towards men in general, which has led to exclusion of men’s issues from gender and diversity discourse, mostly run by leftist media who’s got a upper hand in controlling narrative.
However such media can be blamed to a certain extent, and not beyond a certain point, because at the end of the day, men need to stand up for themselves and rekindle the brotherhood and unity which is the need of the hour.
Start listening to fellow men;
Listen, acknowledge with no judgment to their plight without assuming and guilt-tripping the entire gender into ‘being a trash’ because of horrendous ones.
We don’t generalize women like that, then why do we enthusiastically put down men as if it is normalized? I hope you realize you don’t have to tear down someone into smithereens to uplift others.

Supporting groups who’ve been historically persecuted like women and the LGBT community, to fight for their right to justice, equality and dignity is one thing, and absolutely brilliant but completely forsaking yourself to an extent of self-flagellating is another and that is a disturbing trend. If you can’t respect yourself, don’t expect others to empathize with your suffering.
Unfortunately there is injustice everywhere, we don’t possess a magic wand to eliminate it. And most of the time men are deemed as the root cause of all the problems since time memorial. Cutting long things short, you’re pitted against the world by biased media outlets, your natural masculinity is challenged and questioned at every step and you’ll have to fight it out no matter what.
That said, the best thing is you’ve great support from majority of people from all walks of life. As long as you continue to move forward and swim against this gigantic tide of misandry with a spine as strong as steel, this support will continue to have your back. You are valued, so does your contribution.
Happy International Men’s Day Brothers.
Shine on!
Nived Nambiar is a market researcher working in Abu Dhabi, a promising bibliophile and a healer. Although not an activist by any stretch, he keeps himself abreast on issues concerning men as he believes in an egalitarian society where people, irrespective of gender and sexual orientation, deserves to receive equal opportunities to prosper.

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