In an unfortunate incident, 26-year-old veterinarian went missing on Wednesday night near Hyderabad. It was next morning that her body was recovered, burnt and stranded. The police confirmed that she had been raped before the perpetrators burnt her body. As reports suggest, the woman was returning home to from the veterinary hospital where she worked.

It was but natural that every single Human who read the story was anguished, helpless and yet again demanded not just justice but time bound action on the perpetrators. #JusticeForxxxxx,#RIPxxxxxx #RIPHumanity and so on were top trends on social media through the day yesterday since the story broke. Men’s Day Out instantly condemned this horrific crime irrespective of thinking or calculating how it would paint Men with the same brush as that of all rapists.
However, as expected, there was huge backlash from a few ignorant or opportunist feminists that started spreading Hate against All Men. One tweet that went viral was put out by Activist, Saket Gokhale which read,
There’s only one thing common between all the suspects who’ve been arrested in the gruesome rape and murder of XXX. They were all men. The perps are ALWAYS men. Across language. Across religion. So don’t whine when someone says the truth – that men are trash.
There’s only one thing common between all the suspects who’ve been arrested in the gruesome rape and murder of XXX
They were all men.
The perps are ALWAYS men.
Across language. Across religion.
So don’t whine when someone says the truth – that men are trash.
— Saket Gokhale (@SaketGokhale) November 29, 2019
For starters, our portal was one of them that had published the story on Saket’s father, Mr Suhas Gokhale, who had been acquitted after fighting a false case for four years. Read Full Case at the end of this blog. And while we are not comparing his father’s case with that of the current murder, we definitely want Saket to understand, how Men can be criminals and Men can be victims as well.
There was NO NEED to abuse and ridicule entire mankind since there are several examples where women have been perpetrators of some horrendous crimes leading to painful death of men and women as well. By Saket’s logic, All Women should also be criticised if some women are of criminal nature.
- All Mothers Didn’t Become Trash When Indrani Mukherjee Murdered Her Own Daughter (2012)
- All Women Didn’t Become Trash When Maria Susairaj Chopped Boyfriend Neeraj Grover’s Body Into Pieces, Stuffed Into Three Bags & Set On Fire In A Forest (2008)
These were high profile cases aggressively reported by mainstream media. We enlist a few more reported by our website, which should possibly be an eye opener for the activist and realise how both genders can be victims of gender crimes:
- Jolly Joseph murdered six members of her family over 20-years and was planning to execute two more children. This was recently in the news. No Outrage by Saket.
2. Three cases of wives murdering husbands reported in one month from Yamunanagar, Haryana. No Outrage by Saket.
3. Crime Doesn’t Even Have An Age. No Outrage by Saket.
4. Not so high profile case. No Outrage by Saket.
5. And NO. We don’t believe All Mothers are monsters. No Outrage by Saket.
6. Men Are Trash And Deserved To Be Thrashed. No Outrage by Saket.
7. And Yes, Policemen are NOT SAFE either. No Outrage by Saket, who himself comes from a police force family.
There are several other cases listed on the website, which we are certain will make Saket realise the absolute incorrectness of his tweet.
And here are some positive stories about #MenToo:
While we do agree, that the crimes against women happen in larger numbers than crimes against Men (when it comes to Gender related crimes). But we also overlook the aspect how mainstream media never gives any primetime to Crimes Against Men/Boyfriends/Husbands.
Let us demonstrate a recent example.
- Anissia Batra, who was employed as an air hostess with the German airline Lufthansa, killed herself on July 13, 2018 evening by jumping off the terrace of her South Delhi home. Anissia’s husband, employed with a software firm in Gurgaon, was arrested a few days later on charges causing dowry death

2. 39-Yr IIT-IIM Grad Commits Suicide, Due To Demand Of Apartment Plus Rs 50 Lakhs From Wife, In-Laws. This happened very much in Noida. How many news channels covered this story? We don’t even know whether the wife was arrested in this case or not!
It is not a Men Vs Women debate, it is a mindset that we as a society need to change. All men cannot be criminals and all women are not always holier than thou. It is very much like calling all individuals from one community as terrorists, or all individuals of one community as religious fanatics.
Men’s Rights Activists have openly called out Men who have been convicted of crimes against women. However, in the reverse scenario, feminists with extremist views against Men have gone to the extent of saying “They deserved it”……
Crimes Against Women in India are recorded under National Commission for Women (NCW). Where are Crimes Against Men getting reported? We have a Commission For Animals, but Not Men.
Think about it Saket……….I don’t think #SaketIsTrash…….It’s just that we need to be balanced as human beings!
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I cannot believe that you have stated crimes against women happen in larger numbers. In 2014 alone, there were over 2 lac false cases of dowry which outnumbered all crimes against women. If we include false cases of rape, fake cases of domestic violence, fabricated allegations of molestation, threats of a false case, domestic violence against men, women blackmailing men, women raping men, women murdering men, women driving men to suicide, etc. then crimes against men outnumber crimes against women by a huge margin.
My comment deleted?
In what basis, you are saying that crimes against women is larger in no. than crimes against men.
If you check the records of false rape cases per year, false DV case, false allegations, even sexual harassment of men(especially boys) by women, domestic violence against men(verbally, emotionally, physically), acid attacks on men, blackmailing by women, etc in whole outnumber the crimes against women.