Dowry Harassment is a crime. Many husbands and their families have been sentenced severely by honourable courts when found guilty, in some cases, even without finding them guilty. But what happens when the judge and his family are accused of this act themselves?
Now, the wife of a sessions court judge in Maharashtra has written to the chief justice of the Bombay High Court complaining that her husband and in-laws were “harassing” her. As per the confirmation by the lawyer of the woman, Chief Justice Pradeep Nandrajog forwarded the letter dated July 29 to the registry of the high court for preliminary inquiry.
In the letter, the 37-year-old woman has demanded an inquiry against her husband. She said she married the judge, presently posted at Baramati in Pune district, on May 8, 2007. The letter stated,
My husband and in-laws started harassing me and my family for dowry soon after my marriage. Even after giving them Rs five lakh, furniture and bearing the wedding expenses, my husband and his family later started demanding a car and 30 acres of agricultural land.
My husband is a serving judge and is still harassing me and my family for dowry.

What Does The Letter State?
- After her father’s death in 2008, her husband and in-laws started demanding that her father’s land be transferred in the judge’s name
- When she refused, her husband and his parents assaulted her and threw her out of the house
- She spent some time at her mother’s house in Latur
- After she moved into her husband’s house, when he was posted at Akola, she was again forced to leave
- On July 4, 2012, she lodged a complaint against her husband and in-laws, apprehending threat to her life
- The police, however, failed to take action and asked her to leave the husband and live with her mother
- She then filed an application at a family court in Akola seeking maintenance from the husband
It will be interesting to note the procedure that is followed in this case, especially when the accused is the judge and his family. In case of a common man, he and his family would have been jailed in 2012 itself, when the woman lodged a police complaint.
We do not know the judge and his side of the version yet, thus it may not wrong to take the accusations at its face value. Hypothetically, if they are proven to be false and fabricated, it should be an alarm for judiciary to wake up against fake cases.
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