Have you ever repeatedly messaged a loved one endlessly and received a response unexpectedly after many years? A woman from Arkansas, USA, who lost her father four years ago, texted his phone every day to share updates on her life. However, she was shocked when one day she got a response from her dead father’s number.
Chastity Patterson, 23, of Newport lost her father Jason Ligons four years ago, however, she kept texting his old phone number with the updates of her life ever since. On his fourth death anniversary this year, Chastity was shocked to receive a long emotional message from the same number.

The young girl had expressed herself remembering her dead father on Thursday. Without expecting any answer, she wrote,
Hey Dad, it’s ME. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day again! It’s been four years since I lost you and not a day goes by that I don’t miss you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me the most, but one day we will [sic] our chance to watch that game!

To her astonishment this year, she did receive a reply which read:
Hi sweetheart, I am not your father, but I have been getting all your messages for the past 4 years. My name is Brad and I lost my daughter in a car wreck August 2014 and your messages have kept me alive. When you text me, I know it’s a message from God.

The message further read:
I have listened to you for years and I have watched you grow more than anyone. I have wanted to text you back for years, but I didn’t want to break your heart.

Patterson took to Facebook to write about this and post the screenshots. The same went viral racking up over 265,000 shares.
The bond between a father and daughter is extremely special and losing a father at such a young age can be surely devastating. However, this story teaches us so many things; from how the girl confided every little thing in her (dead) father demonstrates that she has a pure heart; to the man who chose not to let the girl down by replying to her and also cherished the moments of his lost daughter.

Brad and Patterson are reportedly going to keep in touch. Communication sometimes is so important that it can actually make you sail through some of the toughest years of your life.
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