In a victory of sorts towards real Equality, a family court in Uttar Pradesh has ordered a woman, who is a government pensioner, to pay a monthly maintenance allowance to her husband, following a petition filed by the latter in this regard.
The woman and the husband have been living separately for many years. The man had filed a petition in 2013 under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, seeking maintenance allowance from his wife.
The judge of the Family Court on Wednesday allowed the petition of the complainant and ordered the woman to pay Rs 1,000 per month to her husband as maintenance allowance since she was a retired government servant and getting of Rs 12,000 pension per month.
Over the years, man has been labelled as the sole provider in case of separation between couples. While there are several judgements which say no maintenance to working wives, there have also been numerous judgements which have ordered men to pay maintenance to educated fully-abled working wives.
The UP Court order should definitely set the tone for all courts across India, which on one hand are striving for Equality and on the other adopt the patriarchal regressive practice of only Men being providers for women.
On other note, in our opinion, we also do not encourage fully abled Men to file for maintenance because after separation each physically fit individual must be self dependant.
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