The term ‘alimony,’ was derived from the Latin term ‘Alimonia,’ which means sustenance. In this context, it referred to an allowance or sum of money which a spouse is indebted to pay to a wife to cater to her sustenance, in case the marriage was dissolved. Now, the below story of Shiv Kumar is a classic example of how the laws overlook the physical condition of a husband and yet compel him to cough up a sum to sustain his fully abled bodied wife.

About Shiv Kumar:
43-year-old newspaper distributor from Delhi’s Kalkaji area is a physically challenged man. Just within eight months of marriage, Shiv’s two-wheeler was hit by a bus, which led to serious head injuries that got him bedridden for almost a year. During this hard phase of life, he lost all sources of earning and also exhausted his savings for his ongoing treatment.
What made it worse for this man is instead of getting emotional support from his wife, his terms with her soured and she slapped a case of domestic violence against him and his family.
“My wife left me on the day of the accident after doctors said my condition was extremely critical and I may not live. We had some problems since the beginning as she did not want me to take care of my parents especially my bedridden father and other family members”, he alleged.
The cases were registered at Kalkaji police station, however, when the cops saw Shiv’s condition personally, they asked the wife to reconcile and take care of him. Eventually, he recovered and started taking on the responsibilities of his family, however, once again destiny was yet unfair to him. In the year 2013, he was diagnosed with cancer in his pancreas.
Shiv was put through chemotherapy and biopsy five times, only to realise that it was tuberculosis that had spread in his body, leaving his right side completely paralysed. During the treatment, he also suffered several paralytic attacks which made his body absolutely weak, confining him to a wheelchair permanently.
Wife Slaps Domestic Violence Case Once Again:
During his battle with health and body, Shiv was in for yet other trauma, as his wife filed another case of domestic violence on him.
The court directed him to pay a monthly maintenance of Rs 4,000 to his wife, despite him having no job or source of income. What seems more shocking is that Shiv has also been sent to Tihar jail in Delhi thrice for not being able to pay up as per court order. Last he was in Tihar from December 2018 until February 2019.
According to Shiv’s lawyer, husband had to borrow money from his friends and others to pay and buy his freedom.
Crowdfunding for Shiv’s Final Settlement
In an unheard case, Shiv Kumar had to raise funds through a crowdfunding option to settle with permanent peace, at least on the matrimonial front. Noted Men’s Rights Activist, Deepika Bhardwaj ran a crowdfund campaign through Milaap, a crowdfunding platform and aided Shiv to raise a sum of Rs 5 Lakhs which could be paid off as a final settlement towards alimony.

If we have greedy people around, there is no dearth of kindness in society as well. Many people who read about Shiv’s story, came forward with an intent to assist him look for employment so that he could rebuild his life with dignity.
Beg, Borrow or Steal but pay up your wife, seems to be the message from judiciary in this case. One may argue that facts from other side are unknown, however, what remains questionable is why didn’t our courts insist that the abled bodied wife worked herself, so that she would not live at the mercy of a physically challenged man.
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That same judicial injustice is rampant in my country, Puerto Rico, too. Here, the man usually loses his mental stability and sanity and ends up killing his wife or significant other and/ or killing himself due to the injustice of the feminist courts system and the social shame brought against him by his partner.
This is how it usually unfolds. The woman lies about “domestic violence” (that never occurred) in order to get a Restraining Order (RO) against you from a biased judge. This way she can then get the law on her side to play the feminist justice system at will to get what she wants after the man’s reputation is put in question. It is very easy for them because of the flurry of biased laws that have been put in place over the last three or so decades to “protect” women’s rights and women’s rights only; even if it is at the expense of men’s rights, their financial well-being, and/ or their mental health. It’s totally unfair. The same is happening all throughout the world, especially in western countries and countries where radical man-hating feminists (who btw only seek power and influence in society) have implemented their way.
I do recognize that there are some women that do fall victim of real domestic violence. Even if a woman cheats, the man should NEVER EVER hit her, threaten her or harass her in any way. He should just walk away and leave her dor good; perhaps expose her to family and friends if she tries to make him pay her alimony after her infidelity and failure in her role as wife. I will not sweep the reality of domestic violence under the rug and say that women are all liars because not all situations are the same. Sometimes the man is an idiot and deserves to be labeled as an abusive person, which is what these domestic violence laws do: they mark you like cattle for life, whether you are guilty or not. But the truth is that there are many women out there who do exaggerate the facts to gain advantage of their situation, especially when they get caught cheating or want to get rid of their husband to continue an affair with another man. So they lie and call the police for any silly argument they may have had with their partner, or take him to court, in order to benefit from the female-biased favors of the ultra feminist society in modern times. This happens a lot more often than people these days want to admit. Everyone knows it but everyone plays a blind eye. In the meantime, men everywhere that fall victims to such damaging lies, continue to fall prey to depression and continue to get ill in their minds due to the injustice induced by extreme feminism, and horrible family tragedies continue to happen. So in the end, women continue to die in the most senseless of ways. Of course, the justice system, politicians, and feminists alike, don’t care if women pay the ultimate price in the end at the hands of their mentally unstable and oppressed men in their lives. Their deaths is not important to them. On the contrary, to feminists, the more women killed at the hands of their mentally ill husbands, the better because it gives them more reasons to tighten the tourniquet with even more biased feminist laws that discriminate against men, which of course enables the radical feminists more ways to gain political and legal power, and therefore, influence within society.