If we do not hold women accountable for false cases, especially for fabricated allegations in crimes such as rape, the effect will be soon seen on society, where younger girls and next generation, will start believing how it is completely Ok to file such frivolous cases to save their skin.
A shocking case has been reported from Chhattisgarh’s Kawardha district, where a 14-year-old tribal girl allegedly cooked up a gang-rape story to save herself from being scolded by her parents for coming back home late.
Bail Granted To Three Young Men In POCSO Since Minor Girls Were In ‘Love Relationship’ With Them
On the evening November 22, the teenage girl left her home, informing her family that she was going to meet a friend. When she did not return home late at night, her parents started searching for her everywhere. Around 11:30 pm, when they were on the way to the local police station to file a missing complaint, the girl returned home. She then told the family members that four unidentified men gang-raped her when she was with a male friend.
7 Special Police Teams Formed
Based on the girl’s statement, police were informed and a case was registered. Officials formed seven teams to trace the unidentified suspects, but no headway was made for two-three days. Police sensed that the girl and her male friend, also a minor, were giving contradictory accounts of the incident.
Girl & Her Boyfriend Confess
As reported by TOI, Kawardha superintendent of police Shalabh Sinha quoted,
When the police took the duo to the spit of the incident to re-create the scene, the sequence of events differed in their versions. During psychological quizzing, both minors confessed that they were in a relationship and had gone to PG College ground to meet.
They couldn’t keep the tab on time and it was too late for the girl to return home. When she resisted going home, the boy suggested her to cook-up a gangrape story.
15-Year-Old Girl Cooks Up False Gang Rape Story | This Is The Reason
The boy has been detained under the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act as he was sexually involved with the minor girl.
This act applying only to minor boys in consensual relationships, is extremely controversial. However, girls who are equally well-informed of their choices, get away, while only minor boys are booked for such acts.
Also, if the boy is guilty in this case, girl is equally guilty for filing a false gang rape case. However, no action against her is only an encouragement by our system to keep misusing laws to their advantage even in the future.
Gender Biased Media
Both NDTV and Zee News, which have outreach in millions, published the original gang rape story on November 24. However, both portals had not updated their revised version of the case being false (as on November 28).
This is exactly how perceptions of India being a rape capital are created in the minds of society – domestically as well as internationally.

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