A 38-year-old woman and her lover were arrested on Wednesday evening for allegedly murdering her husband. The incident has been reported from a village in North 24 Parganas district around 70 km north of Kolkata.
The woman’s lover later also buried the victim’s body under a bed in his house. Police arrested the duo on Wednesday evening.
The victim has been identified as 42-year-old Ramkrishna Sarkar, a resident of Bongaon in the same district. Investigation revealed that Sarkar was allegedly killed by his wife Swapna and her lover Sujit Das. The house where the body was found belongs to Das. Swapna was allegedly having an extra marital affair with Das.
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A senior police officer told media,
Villagers spotted some patches of blood near a bamboo thicket in the village and informed the police. Later when police went to the spot, they found blood stains all over the place. The blood trails hinted that something heavy was dragged on the ground. But nothing could be found.
As reported by Hindustan Times, police asked the villagers to remain alert and inform them if they saw any suspicious activities. On Wednesday police received a tip off that there were blood stains in front of a house which was locked. The officer said,
A team went to the spot and broke open the door. They found some loose soil under a bed. Later it was found that the body was buried there. The body had multiple stab injuries.
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Adding further, the investigating officer quoted,
Preliminary investigation revealed that the trio drank alcohol near the bamboo thicket where Sarkar was murdered. They then took the body to Das’ house where he was buried.
#HusbandMurder due to adultery is being reported almost on a daily basis from across India. Such heinous crimes are also a form of domestic violence on Men, which largely skip the ire of national media.
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