Haryana may be always projected as patriarchal, however, we are often not shown the other side. A woman from Barwala in Hisar district of the state smashed her husband’s head with an iron rod because he called her food ‘tasteless’.
The man who is now at the hospital, registered a police complaint against his wife.
Dinesh Kumar, 40, is married to one Bhiwani resident Bindiya since 2011. At the time of marriage, woman’s family had informed Dinesh that she does not get sleep and needs to be given medicine.
According to the husband, he gradually learnt that Bindiya suffers from seizures and also has psychiatric problems. He got her treated at the Rohtak PGI for several months. While there was some relief from the treatment, however, there had not been much improvement.
The woman would allegedly often get angry while talking and beat up her husband. Bindiya is also unable to do any housework properly.
On Sunday evening, when Dinesh sat down for dinner, he noticed that Bindiya had added sugar to the vegetable that she served. When he told her that one does not put sugar in veggies, his wife allegedly got angry and attacked him with a rod.
Dinesh started shouting and hearing his cries, the neighbours rushed in and took him to a hospital. According to Dinesh, his wife could have taken his life too.
Domestic Violence on Men
India does not recognise domestic violence on husbands as a law. Men are expected to understand, tolerate and cope up with all tantrums and unreasonable behaviour of their wives at all point in time. Even violent situations like these get justified owing to the mental health problems of the woman. Reverse the gender, and women in violent marriages or co-habitation with men with mental problems, get immediate relief from court.
Sadly, divorce for such men is also not an easy option. Women are armed with several other laws, if men even dare to file for separation, despite physical and verbal assault on a daily basis.
No government – be it state or centre – is even willing to understand the problems Men face, due to alleged vote bank politics playing the woman empowerment card. Unless, society as a whole, does not voice their trauma, Justice for Husbands and their families in India is a distant reality.
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