One has to be extremely lucky for a woman or man you love, to come forward and propose to the respective other. And if the proposal turns out to be like the one below, you may need to literally pinch yourself to believe it to be true!
In The Social
Xiaojing, a 24-year-old woman who works in the designing field, popped the ultimate question in a very elaborate setting during the couple’s one-year anniversary on December 11. This was the same place where the couple incidentally first met.
Xiaojing planned the entire proposal and also convinced her boyfriend, Xiaoke, to go to the exhibition hall at the cultural exhibit in Henan to pick up something for her. Well, Xiaoke was in for a grand surprise!
To his utmost astonishment, he found his girlfriend inside of the exhibit hall wearing a beautiful wedding gown, surrounded by balloons. This was still believable. And then something extraordinary happened.

Xiaojing added a house deed and a set of BMW keys into her proposal, all with the support of her parents. Explaining her decision to propose, Xiaojing, who works in the design field, told reporters,
He’s usually the one taking care of me and making sacrifices for me. I really want to do something for him.
I prepared all of this. There’s a car and a house deed here.
While presenting a bouquet of flowers to her boyfriend, she said,
It doesn’t matter if you have them or not, I still want to be with you. Will you marry me?
Surprised by her gesture, Xiaoke replied,
This is so unexpected. Yes, I will.

But she says money isn’t important to her. According to her,
What I want more than material goods is love. I don’t think that it always has to be the man in the relationship providing [a house and car]. More than that, I want him to be devoted and caring after our marriage.
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Difference between Chinese women and Indian women is, Chinese women are honest and hardworking and earn living by working hard, while India’s women thinks husbands as ATM machine, india is a banana republic and anti-men country.