In an unfortunate incident reported from Karnataka, a young engineer in Bengaluru died by suicide by jumping under train near Malleshwaram locality. He was allegedly being blackmailed for obscene pictures on Instagram. This is incidentally the third such case in Bengaluru in recent times.
The police are suspecting the role of a ‘Nude gang’ behind the suicide and taken up investigation in this direction.
Bhaskar Rao, Additional DGP Railways, appealed to youth not to kill themselves out of fear or shame, and urged them to control social media habits.
Here’s What Happened
The inter-state notorious ‘Nude gang’ operating at national level, especially in metro cities, is infamous for getting acquainted with the youth through dating apps and later blackmailing them to extort money.
While recently, a young doctor from the city ended his life in the same fashion after being threatened and extorted over obscene videos, the latest victim was a 24-year-old engineering graduate who lived with his family in Malleshwaram locality.
The dead body of the youth was recovered on Tuesday. Though, it looked like the youth died suicide over personal matter initially, but as the investigation progressed the police investigation headed in a different direction.
Police Investigation
According to the police, one of the accused gang members poses as a girl in the dating apps and starts chatting with the youth who show interest in them. Later, after establishing intimacy, the accused asks the victim to go nude before the camera. If the victim succumbs, the gang records the act and then starts extorting money. They would threaten the victims over their videos going viral on social media.
Police sources said that after the verification of the mobile phone of the victim, they found threatening and blackmailing messages. The investigation has also revealed that the youth was being blackmailed over Instagram also. This has made the investigation officer believe that the youth could be a victim of a ‘Nude gang’.
Speaking to the media, Bhaskar Rao, ADGP Railways said,
Another 24-year-old engineer died by suicide on a railway line. Note revealed he was blackmail for sex on Instagram, I implore, plead youth not to kill themselves due to fear and shame. Please have courage to face it, you are precious, please don’t kill yourself. Control your SM urges.
Past Arrests
The Karnataka Railway Police recently arrested an accused in connection with a suicide case of a 30-year-old young doctor, who was blackmailed over his obscene videos. The doctor while dying by suicide mentioned the name of one Kranthi Singh and left a death note saying he is ending life because of the blackmail, threatenings and extortion by a gang led by Kranthi Singh.
The police investigating the case, have taken the accused into custody from Bhopal and launched a hunt for other members of the gang. The gang members had trapped the doctor through a dating app. After getting introduced to him and developing leniency, the victim doctor had started chatting with the accused. One of the accused spoke to him posing as a girl and asked the doctor to go nude while chatting and he obliged. Later, the doctor was blackmailed over the video and accused persons placed demands of extortion.
The victim doctor had made Rs 67,000 online transfer to the accused. He continued to get extortion and threat calls from the accused. The doctor unable to take the pressure died by suicide by coming under a train.
According to the police, the latest is the third such case in Bengaluru. In a similar case, another youth had died by suicide in Bengaluru coming under pressure of extortion calls. The K.R. Puram police had arrested three persons from Rajasthan.
The police have appealed to people not to get trapped on social media platforms where miscreants pose with provocative photographs of women. The police warned,
The accused somehow make the victims go nude and later blackmail them for money. People should be careful before chatting with strangers on social media platforms.
MDO Note:
- Do not engage with unknown persons on social media
- Even if you are trapped by similar gangs, have no fear and immediately report to the police
- Police will surely guide and help you
- Do not end your precious life
- Please connect with either of the NGOs below in case you need guidance
Suicide Prevention Contact Details:
Men in distress due to family problems and threats of false cases can contact either of the NGOs listed here: Men Welfare Trust, MyNation Hope Foundation, Save Indian Family Foundation, Vaastav Foundation
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