An Indian scientist has finally found a path-breaking cancer-treating device, developed in India, at the Bengaluru-based R&D facility of an American company.
Research by Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar, at the Bengaluru-based Scalene Center for Advanced Research and Development has recently received approval from the US Food and Drugs Administration’s (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health, under the Breakthrough Device Program.

About The Machine
- Dr Kumar led to the invention of the Cytotron, a device that is based on quantum magnetic resonance therapy (QMRT)
- The machine provides non-invasive tissue engineering that can help treat solid tumours of the breast, liver and pancreas, and is also useful in pain relief and palliative care
- The body’s tumour suppression mechanism is reactivated non-invasively by QMRT by targeting calibrated doses of radio- or sub-radio frequency, non-ionising, non-thermal electromagnetic waves at the tumour site
- This triggers the production of new tumour suppressing nucleoproteins that lead to apoptosis (programmed cell death)
- Cytotron is likely to be of immense benefit in other solid tumours such as adult and paediatric brain tumours, lung cancer and many other life-limiting diseases

In his interview with The Better India, Dr Kumar quoted:
Cytotron stops the cancer tissue from multiplying and spreading to other organs. Once the tumor stops growing or spreading, what we do at Cytotron is plant the flag (protein) down, which determines that the cell is old enough to die.
The moment this happens, the cell stops growing and once that happens the first reaction of the immune system is to grab the cell and throw it out. The cancer tissue is recycled, and this device also works to convert or transform the cancer stem cells into cells that don’t multiply.

Adding further the scientist said,
These are two things that happen when we treat a cancer patient with Cytotron. Depending on which stage of cancer you’re being treated at, it stops the cancer cells from spreading.
The earlier you go inside the Cytotron, your cancer gets arrested at that point. Once you stop the tumour from growing and spreading, there are other ways you can manage the disease.
The machine is yet not available in India, however, they give free treatment to as many people at their centre. From January 2020, they will start supplying these machines to hospitals and institutions.
The Cytotron machine will cost anywhere between Rs 2.5 to Rs 3 crore. Patients diagnosed with cancer will be ideally suggested to be sent into the Cytotron so the tumour can be stopped from growing or spreading.
The invention could mean a new lease of life or vastly improved quality of living at the end-stage for millions of cancer patients around the world. But why is India not celebrating this achievement yet?
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