In an unfortunate incident reported from Uttar Pradesh, a 26-year-old woman in Hardoi, died of a gunshot wound while attempting to take a picture with her father-in-law’s single-barrel pistol on Thursday night.
While the husband and his family have claimed accidental death, victim’s father has lodged a case of alleged dowry death.
Akash Gupta and Radhika got married in May this year.
Rajesh Gupta, father of the husband told media,
We have a small jewelry business in the town. On Thursday, around 3 pm, my son Akash brought back our 12-bore single-barrel gun that was submitted to the local police station during panchayat elections. The gun was kept in the second-floor room where Radhika was trying to click selfie while holding it.
Adding further Rajesh said,
Around 4 pm, we heard the gunshot and ran upstairs to find that Radhika was hit by the bullet and rushed her to the nearest hospital where she succumbed to injuries. The phone’s camera was found switched on in selfie mode.
The husband’s family claims that the incident happened when the loaded gun went off while Radhika was posing for a selfie with her finger on the trigger. The victim, who got shot in the neck was rushed to the hospital, where medics pronounced her dead on arrival.
Victim’s Father
The victim’s father, on the other hand, is concerned about a foul play and has filed a dowry death case.
Police Investigation:
Shivshankar Singh, Shahabad’s SHO, said the victim’s 12-bore single-barrel gun and cellphone has been seized and sent for forensic examination. The body has been handed to a team of experts for a post-mortem examination. Speaking with TOI, he said,
We have also recovered a photo of the victim with the gun, said to be clicked seconds before she was dead.
Adding further Singh quoted,
We have noticed only a gunshot on the body and prima facie no signs of scuffle were found on the victim’s body.
According to police, Akash was also investigated, and he said that his wife became very excited when she saw the gun. Akash informed police,
She had already taken photos with the gun, but she wanted more. Hence, during another selfie attempt the trigger got pressed.
SHO Singh further stated that Radhika’s father, Rakesh, has indicated suspicions of foul play in the matter and has filed a dowry death case with the local police station.
According to a senior cop, forensic experts will be called in to investigate the case, and the crime scene will be recreated if required.
Author: Shreya Bhandari is a 3rd year Bachelors of Journalism student and currently working as an intern with MDO.
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It wasn’t her fault, really. She just mistook the gun’s trigger for the selfie button.
It wasn’t her fault, actually. She just mistook the gun’s trigger for the selfie button.