Recent cases of brutal rapes have been certainly alarming, where people have constantly raised their voice on teaching children, especially young boys how to behave. Violence and sexual harassment cases have become so rampant that the question of any gender’s safety today is a burning topic.
Amidst such crucial times, eight children have been suspended from a “top-ranked IB [International Board] school” for talking about “raping” their fellow female classmates.

- The incident surfaced when parents of two girls complained to the school administration after they came across the dreadful whatsapp conversations
- The boys, all about 13 or 14 year olds, addressed the girls as “trash”
- Apart from chats about “raping” their classmates, the chats were also peppered with words such as “banging”, as well as homophobic slurs
- Many girls complained of being afraid to go to school
- In order to figure out why their daughters were avoiding school, the mothers started talking to other classmates who revealed that a group of eight boy students were responsible for the situation
- The mothers were concerned after the girls refused to attend school and said they were scared to go
- It was at this time that the mothers got access to the boys’ WhatsApp conversation from November 8 to November 30
- One parent who spoke to the Mumbai Mirror said some students in the chat were in “leadership positions”
- These messages were posted on a parents’ group chat and have since been leaked
- The school has not been identified in the report and has reportedly not responded to requests for comment, but parents confirmed the suspensions to the newspaper
- The school in question is not only one of the most renowned schools in Mumbai but is also attended by children of influential families
- The children involved cannot be identified as they are minors
One parent reportedly said that the school is best suited to take whatever action it deems appropriate against the boys and it is unlikely that the police will be approached.
School Boy Suspended For Vulgar Whatsapp chats (Representative Image Only)
Our Take
- This is indeed a very worrying situation
- Yes, in this case the alleged accused are the minor boys, however, this should not be restricted to a Boys Vs Girls issue
- Many kids today have easy access to mobile phones, because as parents we want to keep in touch with them during some unforeseen emergency or security reasons otherwise
- However, allowing them access to the internet which is open for all is a bigger worry
- Some may debate that children must be aware of all aspects of life, although at what age are they mature enough to understand the implications, is something every parent needs to decide for themselves
- Knowledge and exposure to the net is one thing, but not monitoring their internet history and other chats is surely very irresponsible on part of parents
- It is a tough situation for parents too, because one cannot possibly hound the child what he or she is doing through the day
- But it is important for conversations and communication to take place between parents and children to constantly drill into their tender minds what is right and what is not acceptable
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