JEE Mains is conducted for admission to engineering colleges across the country, while JEE-Advanced is for those seeking admission to the premier IITs. It is mandatory to clear JEE Mains to be eligible for JEE-Advanced.
The results for this year’s examination were announced by the Human Resource Development Ministry’s National Testing Agency on Friday night. Nine candidates from across the country bagged the perfect score.
Delhi boy Nishant Agarwal who scored a perfect 100 in Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Mains shared his success with his twin brother Pranav who bagged a score of 99.93 in the examination. The 17-year-old duo studies in New Sainikpuri Public School and aims to pursue engineering at Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay or Delhi.
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On Friday night, as the results were declared, Agarwal brothers, were busy preparing for the viva voice examination for Physical Science paper on Saturday. They are currently preparing for the upcoming entrance tests and CBSE class 12 board examination.

Nishant said,
Initially, I was shocked. But I have been preparing for this. My goal was to score full marks. I have been highly motivated by my peer group at my coaching institute. They’ve been an inspiration at being the best on whatever we do..
Pranav, who was just .07 percentile behind his brother expressed that in order to improve the ranking, he along with his brother will reappear in JEE’s April sessions. He quoted:
My brother is among the highest scorers has motivated me. I am happy for him but will appear for the test again and try to improve my rank.
Moreover, the twins shared that they ‘study together’ and ‘motivate each other’ and had begun studying for JEE just a few months earlier. Pranav also said,

After the results, we just congratulated each other and went back to our studies.
A typical day in his life involves getting up at 6am and studying throughout the day with short breaks of 30 minutes devoted to food and badminton. Generally they study six to seven hours a day, and during the examination phase, it goes to upto 10 hours including taking test series.
Their father Arun Aggarwal revealed that his sons were initially worried about his examination. Arun said,
When the answer key came out, they were worried about the scores since some of the answers weren’t matching. We told them that re-checking was also an option.
The results today have been greatly satisfying. But I’ve told them to be grounded since this is just the beginning.
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Other toppers for the engineering entrance exam include Nisarg Chadha from Gujarat, Haryana’s Divyanshu Agarwal, Landa Jitendra and Thadavarthi Vishnu Sri Sai Sankar from Andhra Pradesh, Akhil Jain and Parth Dwivedi from Rajasthan, Rongala Arun Siddardha and Chagari Koushal Kumar Reddy from Telangana.
- The JEE (Main) Examination for B.E./B.Tech.was conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) in January across 233 cities in the country and abroad
- A total number of 9,21,261 candidates were registered for B.E. /B. Tech in this examination
- There were 570 examination centres across the country and abroad. A total number of 536 Observers, 213 City- Coordinators and 19 Regional Coordinators were deployed at these centres to oversee the smooth and fair conduct of examination
While the Common Admission Test (CAT), every year, produces exemplary success stories, it’s perhaps special when two people, born on the same day and at the same time, make it to the elite 99-percentile club.

On earlier occasion, twin brothers Abhishek and Anubhav Garg, too cracked the JEE exam, and studied at IIT-Delhi together. Last year, the boys also cracked CAT with flying colours.
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