A judicial officer in Datamgarh, Sikar has registered a case of a honey trap at Neemuch Cantt police station in Madhya Pradesh. The woman and her gang allegedly threatened to defame the man, if he did not give them Rupees one crore (INR Ten Million) and a house.
The woman had introduced herself as an officer by creating a fake social media profile. The accused woman has been identified as Avni alias Anju. According to the complainant, Avni befriended him on a social media platform as an officer. After a few days, the woman visited to Sawai Madhopur for a holiday, where the officer was already posted.
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The complainant then asked his staff to arrange for a comfortable stay for the accused woman As reported by Dainik Bhaskar, the woman got in possession of the judicial officer’s personal mobile number and repeatedly kept making calls to him, forcing him to speak with her.
When the man refused to do so, she threatened to implicate him in a false case, unless he parted with Rs 1 Crore ransom and also a home for her. The officer has also accused some of the woman’s accomplices to have pressurised him to resolve the matter amicably and fulfil the woman’s demands.
The matter has been reported to the police and investigation is currently ongoing.
Men need to be very cautious while acquainting with any unknown person, especially women over social media. Most often, these could be traps laid for Men in position of power and repute. One also needs to be vigilant about what interaction you have with women over social media, asThe officer has also accused some of the woman’s accomplices to have pressurised him to resolve the matter amicably the same can be misused at any stage to blackmail you and your family.
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