A photograph of Kanpur Dehat police offer and a rural woman went viral over the net since yesterday, after Uttar Pradesh’s former CM Akhilesh Yadav tweeted the same. The below photographed projected that the state police was misusing their powers and misbehaving with the woman and villagers in general.
Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday tweeted a purported photograph of the incident with a caption saying that misbehaviour of some men in uniform has tarnished the image of the entire police force. He then tweeted,
Due to the misbehaviour of some policemen favoured by the BJP government, the image of the whole police force is being tarnished. There is no dearth of misrule under BJP. Condemnable.
However, UP police denied the claim and accused the women of misbehaviour instead. Several purported videos of the incident have gone viral on social media.
There was another video that emerged where the same woman is seen running towards the officer, shouting and tearing her blouse herself. A young boy can be seen running behind her and pleading to her not to tear her blouse. Due to censorship issues, we cannot upload the 2nd video, however, the same was posted on Twitter Handle @deepikabhardwaj.
MDO refrains from taking either sides, however, it is important to put out both sides of the story.
Official Statement by Kanpur Dehat Police
Speaking on the incident, Kanpur Dehat SP Keshav Kumar Choudhary said that the incident is being probed by the local Circle Officer. In the official statement uploaded on Kanput Dehat Police Twitter Handle, Choudhary quoted,
An outpost-in-charge had gone to search for an accused at a village in the Bhognipur police station area. When he reached the village, he had an argument with a woman – a photograph of which has gone viral on social media. When the police team was searching for the accused, a youth misbehaved with them. He was being brought to the police station over his misconduct when his family members came out and started misbehaving with our team. A scuffle ensued during which the photograph was taken.
Adding further the officer said,
The woman alleged that the policemen misbehaved with her and was forcefully taking her family members away. If anyone is found guilty, departmental action will follow.
The SP also claimed that the viral photograph misrepresents the whole issue. He quoted,
There is a video as well. In the clip, the woman is seen as the aggressor.
In the purported photograph, Sub-Inspector Mahendra Patel is seen in a scuffle with the woman.
In another purported video, a man is heard saying that the policemen have beaten up people. “Come and take statements of everyone… You have beaten everyone… You are beating up children…” In the same video, the policeman is heard saying, “You have misbehaved with the police. You don’t have any shame.”
As Posted By Kanpur Dehat Police
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