You would have recently come across a story with headline:
“Man Seeks Divorce From Wife Menstruating On Wedding Day”
Social media has already started venting out their frustration against Men, even without clicking on the article and reading the details. The editor who published this headlines first, surely wanted to get some eyeballs rolling, without putting out the real reason for man’s petition.
But anything that is about hating and bashing men sells most. Now, here are the details of this case from Gujarat.
The couple from Vadodara, Gujarat, got married in January 2020. The man works for a private company, while the woman is employed as a teacher.
According to the allegations levied by the man in his divorce petition, the woman immediately – after marriage – insisted that her husband need not contribute to the expenses towards their household, as his elder brother was already spending on the same. Infact, she asked him to pay her a sum of Rs 5,000 for her personal expenses every month.
The woman also allegedly asked her husband to pressurise his elder brother to purchase an air conditioner for the home. When the husband said they could not afford one, the woman returned to her parent’s place.
As per the petition, the husband claimed that despite persuading and bringing the wife back to her matrimonial home each time, she would keep going back to her parent’s house and not return for days.
During lockdown, the husband also alleged harassment from his wife on account of money. He said that on a particular day while he was strolling on the terrace, his wife came and demanded her monthly sum. When the husband refused since he himself had not received salary for that month, the woman allegedly told him that she would have slept with ten other men on the first night, had she have known about his inability to buy her luxuries.
The man said that he could not believe his ears, however, when he tried reasoning out the issue with his wife, she threatened to jump off the terrace and die by suicide.
The woman moved to her parent’s home in May and filed false complaints against the man and his family at Bapod Police Station. This is when the husband was compelled to file for divorce, within 4-months of marriage. The petition has been registered at the family court and will be taken up for hearing, said husband’s lawyer Alpesh Chauhan.
As reported by TOI, the man in his petition has also claimed that he and his mother were shocked and their ‘faith was violated’ when his wife revealed that she had periods on the marriage day. The petition also states that the woman told her about her menstrual condition moments before they went to a temple for prayers after completing their ceremony.
Our Take:
- The comment on ‘periods’ is a part of the petition
- We, as a portal, do not encourage such subjective notions to end a marriage
- However, the way this story has been presented by all other portals, projects that divorce has been solely filed because wife did not mention about her menstruation
- Unfortunately, the attention span of readers today is so less, that they do not even click and read on the complete article, yet they will be front runners in bashing men with half truth

Here’s a classic example how this Guwahati High Court Order was twisted:
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