India is under lockdown since March 2020 and Maharashtra has been one of the worst hit states amidst the corona pandemic. While restrictions have been eased off for professional and work related movement everywhere, a group of over 100 people consisting of both men and women were found partying at a lounge in Oshiwara, Mumbai throughout Saturday night. Bombay Brute Lounge in North West Mumbai was raided by police over the weekend.
Even after asking people again and again to stay indoors in this critical time, these careless citizens decided to go out and party. According to TOI report, sixty-five male patrons including a manager and three waiters were arrested. However, twenty-eight female patrons were also caught on the scene, but were allowed to go home without examination. The women who were equally at fault were only issued notices.

Shockingly, a police officer from the western suburbs, dressed in civil dress, was also seen in the party photos that had been circulating on some messaging apps. He featured in some photographs shot by the crowd at the lounge. However, he was not one of the arrested people as he had already left venue, by the time the cops raided the place.
Oshiwara police officials got a tip-off stating that the lounge was violating lockdown guidelines. Patrons were found illegally smoking hookah when the police raided the place, told officials. A senior officer said,
Around 3.30 am, our team entered the premises. Some of the patrons were found dancing in an obscene manner. So, we have slapped charged of obscenity as well under the Indian Penal Code.
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Police have also cited that many of the patrons told them that they had received invites on Whatsapp about the lounge keeping its doors open throughout the night. The police will inquire about the same. The officer further stated:
Patrons had come from all over the city. The crowd consisted of businessmen, professionals, and students. Some had worn masks.
The manager and waiters are still in custody while the 65 arrested customers were later released on bail. After being asked about the females and why were they not being arrested, an official said,
The female patrons weren’t arrested as it was a late hour. They were issued notices and summoned to the police station later.
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The police has charged all with several sections under the IPC Act, Section 188, Section 269, Section 336, Section 294, and Section 285.
Our Take:
Recently Maharashtra Chief Minister’s son and Cabinet Minister of Tourism and Environment, Aditya Thackeray, was seen promoting Gender Equality at the traffic signals at Dadar, Mumbai. This is what he then tweeted:
If you’ve passed by Dadar, you’d see something that will make you feel proud. @mybmcWardGN is ensuring gender equality with a simple idea- the signals now have women too!
— Aaditya Thackeray (@AUThackeray) August 1, 2020
And Ofcourse to add, the constant efforts of Leader of the House in BMC and local corporator Vishakha Raut ji to this
— Aaditya Thackeray (@AUThackeray) August 1, 2020

However, the definition of Equality remains restricted only to the rights and privileges for our women folk. If the women can party at late hours, why should ‘time’ be a stumbling block for our police to equally reprimand them? When it comes to any sort of accountability, we have several biased laws that are put forth, thereby allowing leeway to women, even if they are found guilty of exactly similar acts, as that by the men.
This is what we have been fighting for – there is no problem in giving equal rights to all, but laws must be equal irrespective of the gender too.
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