An aunt who is generally expected to shower affection on her nephew/niece, became a monster when she brutally murdered her sister’s seven-year-old son. She almost became a maniac, strangled him, cut his stomach, pulled out intestine, heart and lastly performed satanism.
The rest of the children in the family, however, saved themselves by locking up inside a room, and no matter how much she knocked on the door, they did not open.
Fatima and Asia are two sisters from Andhra Pradesh. While Fatima is married to Sheikh Farid Basha, Asia was married to Sheikh Salam of Madinagar.
Fatima has twins (son: Fayaz Karimullah and daughter: Karimoon) and one more son named Karimullah. Asia has one son and one daughter.
Asia and Salam family had been living in a rented house in Linganguntla, Andhra Pradesh for three months. Few days ago, Fatima went to visit her younger sister along with her children. On Sunday, Salam, Fatima, and his mother Khaderbi went out. The accused Asia, her children and Fatima’s children were at home.
In the afternoon, seven-year-old Fayaz — Asia’s nephew — was beaten mercilessly. Thereafter, the accused woman killed the child gruesomely. She stabbed him with a knife and acted indiscriminately. She then cut his stomach and pulled out the intestines.
After being handed over to the police, she was tied with ropes and taken to Guntur GGH. DSP In-charge, Lata, Chilakaluripet Rural CI M Subbarao and Essai Bhaskar inspected the crime scene.
The boy’s body was shifted to Chilakaluripet Government Hospital. The family members and relatives of the deceased were shocked to see how the child had been brutally murdered.
The victim boy’s father, Farid Basha, has alleged that his son’s murder was a planned one. He also said that Asia was not insane. The cops are investigating the case.

Daughter Saved Other Children’s Life
Karimoon, sister of the deceased, was horrified to see her little brother Fayaz been killed by their aunt cruelly. She was petrified to see the woman cutting her brother and drinking blood from his body. Everything the woman did was in front of the children.
The little girl was herself terrified, yet she managed to save the other children. She took her younger brother, 3-year-old Karimullah and her cousins, Abid (3), and Shamri (2) into a room and locked the door.
The accused screamed asking them to open the door, but the girl used her presence of mind and remained inside, which saved all of them from meeting the same fate as Fayaz.
Later, all children were rescued when the police reached the crime scene.
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