Divorce between a couple can be traumatic, but the impact it can have on children due to the ego battles between a couple can be even worse. We often say God made Mothers, because He could not be present everywhere. But He also made Fathers who were an ‘equal’ in the process of parenting. Sadly, the laws on this human land have somewhere turned the other biological parent, dad, into a monster in case the relationship within a marriage fails.

Allegations By Father As Informed To The Portal:
- Arun Jain, resident of Ghaziabad has alleged alienation from his 2-year-old daughter since there were irreparable differences in his marriage
- Arun got married in April 2016, and within 2 months, he was pressurised to separate from his parents
- The husband also alleges pressure from his in-laws to shift into a separate residence, and despite all efforts from the man, the wife failed to agree with him
- Post then, the wife went to reside with her parents for six months
- In January 2017, the couple learnt about their pregnancy and the husband started taking due care of his wife through the delivery period
- A daughter was born to them in September 2017
- Exactly a month later on October 22, the family happily celebrated one month arrival of the baby girl and on the same night, Arun alleges that his wife threw a fit on a minor scuffle (breaking of a bottle)
- The next day, wife left the matrimonial home once again, this time along with the daughter, never to return again
- Arun alleges that it’s been exactly 2 years since then that his wife and her family have not allowed him to visit or meet with his child

- Arun has also alleged that in April 2018, his in-laws informed him of a police complaint against Arun and also told him that they would not be responsible if anything happens to their granddaughter
- His in-laws also released a photograph of the young toddler, in which her hands were tied in a plaster, which made the father extremely worried and concerned
- According to the husband, his wife and in-laws have also given a false complaint of 498A and domestic violence at a local Mahila court

- In May 2018, Arun too has also filed a complaint with the CWC (Child Welfare Committee), Ghaziabad and in June 2018, he further wrote an application to the UPSCPCR (UP State Commission for Protection of Child Rights) and NCPCR (National Commission for Protection of Child Rights) demanding an intervention in his case
- Despite having received an acknowledgement of his complaint from all forums, Arun found no resolution in his case till date
Regardless of all his efforts of approaching relevant authorities, Arun claims no respite from the alienation from his child. He says he is fully willing to co-operate in the investigation which can be done on an unbiased basis. Arun also states he shall be fully responsible if he provides any incorrect evidence in the case, however, all he pleads if a fair investigation into the matter.
This is the story from father’s side and our endeavour is to make his voice heard across mainstream media and concerned authorities, who can execute their responsibilities so that the child does not miss out on the best days of her growing up, without the love and affection of the other parent, the father.
Child custody can be a very tricky issue especially when the relationship between the parents have estranged beyond a point of no return. However, in almost 90% of the cases, the mother enjoys the sole custody of the child purely on the basis of being a woman and biologically better suited to raise a child. In times when the society is striving for equality of the sexes in every aspect, this myth that only a mother can raise a child, also needs to be broken.
Here’s hoping for a speedy union of both, the father and his lovely daughter!
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