India has a population of 1.4 billion (as on 2021) where nearly 50% population are Men. Yet, instead of having any balanced forum for family welfare problems or a separate commission for equal representation of Men, we have a dedicated commission only for Women – National Commission for Women / State Commissions for Women respectively.
On Wednesday, Dr Kiran Mayee Nayak, Chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Commission For Women, tweeted,
Husband and Wife have agreed to co-habit together on the advice of the women’s commission. On request of the commission, husband has agreed to part with his 75% salary with wife every month.
आयोग की समझाइश पर पति-पत्नी हुए साथ रहने तैयार
— Dr Kiran Mayee Nayak (@DrKiranmayee1) April 19, 2022
आयोग की समझाइश पर सरकारी भृत्य अपने वेतन से पत्नी को 75 प्रतिशत वेतन प्रतिमाह देने तैयार हुआ#drkiranmayeenayak #kiranmayeenayak #cgscw #mahilaayog #raipurSunvai
While the tweet did not specify details of the dispute between the couple, we are assuming the same could be a case of domestic problems between the couple, where the woman would have approached women’s commission.
However, we are unclear how the ‘domestic dispute’ has been resolved while emphasis being laid on husband parting with 75% salary with wife every month.
Can Women’s Commission enforce such settlements, outside the purview of family courts? What is the messaging given to Men? When all laws are in favour of Women (read: wives), and a cell dedicated to Women mediates, can we expect any fair justice for the Husband.
Here’s how social media reacted!
This is not mediation, this is Extortion !!
— #498A_PWDVA_FakeCases (@VikramArora20) April 20, 2022
How I read it : आयोग – women terror commission की समझाइश- threatening पर पति-पत्नी हुए साथ रहने तैयार- Husband was forced to stay.
— ShauryaNagvanshi (@Shaurya_Courage) April 20, 2022
आयोग की समझाइश पर सरकारी भृत्य अपने वेतन से पत्नी को 75 प्रतिशत वेतन प्रतिमाह देने तैयार हुआ – forced to give 75%.
Else fake cases.
बड़े बुजुर्ग एक बात कहा करते थे, जहाँ पे पैसा आ जाये वहाँ पे रिश्ते चल ही नही सकते है, वो ज़माना संस्कारो का था।
— Naveen Kumar (@Naveen_MRA) April 20, 2022
आज लोग कहते है पत्नी को 75% खर्च दो, ताकि वो उसके लालच की वजह से चुप रहे।
पत्नी को कर्तव्य बताए??@KirenRijiju @rajnathsingh @ArvindKejriwal
Shame on women's commission.
— Uthappa Bollepanda (@uthappa4444) April 20, 2022
What do you mean transferring 75% of the salary to his wife? What should the guy's family do?
Do you feed them?
How can he improve his standard of living?
Legal extortion of poor man.
You people are intentionally destroying Hindu families.#misandry
Wow what a counselling sessions no man should ever go for a counselling sessions that’s the biggest trap . Face the consequences and fight rather than give in to this kind of nonsense in the name of counselling.
— ਗੁਰਪ੍ਰੀਤ (@gurpreetscheema) April 20, 2022
75 % वेतन…
— MenRightsIndia (@MenRightsIndia) April 20, 2022
महिला आयोग… खुश तो बहुत होगे तुम!
ये तो तालिबानी फरमान हुआ, आयोग कोई सुप्रीम कोर्ट थोड़े ही है, भाई साहब को सुप्रीम कोर्ट जाना चाहिए।
— Dharmendr singh patel (@dharmendrpatel_) April 20, 2022
Isn't this more of an extortion rather than Mediation.
— Ankit Soni (@SoniAnkitK) April 20, 2022
75% 😳😳. , and they show as this as a victory. #shameful
— Dr Sunil Soran (@drsunilsoran) April 20, 2022
मतलब आयोग के दबाव में पति हुआ 75% वेतन पत्नी को देने को तैयार। बना दिया उसे कोल्हू का बैल
— Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj (@DeepikaBhardwaj) April 20, 2022
Will you pay 75% or face false cases? Duress and coercive mediation tactics right in the rooms sponsored by tax payers money. #AtmaNirbharBharat #falsecaseday
— Berlin 🇮🇳 (@_FamilyMan_berl) April 20, 2022
75% of husband's salary to wife is a successful mediation & that's what marriage of equal partnership is to @NCWIndia & state commissions.
— Amit Lakhani (@TheAmitLakhani) April 20, 2022
If husband wouldn't have agreed he would've faced multiple frivolous litigations.
Men are actually reduced to ATMs in matrimonial disputes.
When all laws are in favour of Women & Women's Commission becomes a mediator, it is NOT called Mediation
— Arnaz Hathiram (@ArnazHathiram) April 20, 2022
Husband has agreed to part with 75% salary to wife!!!#SpeakUpMen #GenderBiasedLaws
ये लूटमार और झूठे केस में फंसाकर कानूनी आतंकवाद शर्मनाक है।#BewareMen
— Chetan (@cskkanu) April 20, 2022
“Women Are Filing False Rape Cases After Live-in”:
Dr Kiran Mayee Nayak, Chairperson of Chhattisgarh State Commission For Women
Occasional Adultery No Grounds To Deny Maintenance To Wife | Delhi High Court
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