The Biblewadi police in Pune, Maharashtra arrested a woman and her male friend for allegedly stealing a total sum of Rs 1.74 crore from her own home.
The thefts took place over a period of time and the same were only reported to police in May this year.
The accused woman married a businessman’s brother in Pune and the couple was living in a joint family along with others in the same apartment. According to the businessman, cash worth Rs 1.5 crore and gold ornaments to a tune of nearly Rs 24 Lakhs went missing between June 2019 and May 2020. However, he only realised the same when he found the bag of cash and gold missing recently.
This is when the brother of husband filed a complaint with the police under relevant sections of the IPC. Initially he did not suspect involvement of any family members, however, his sister-in-laws behaviour made him suspicious.
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Senior inspector Kumar Ghadge from the Bibvewadi police said,
The body language of the woman made the businessman realise that she could be the one behind these thefts. The woman was then taken into confidence by her family members, to whom she admitted her crime.
However, the woman said she was instigated by her male accomplice.
The accused and her associate were friends since a long time. However, after marriage the communication had stopped. It is only when the two revived their friendship last year, the woman was advised to start stealing in her own home. The thefts initially went unnoticed until May this year.
The woman was taken into custodial remand, while a team was sent to hunt for her male accomplice.
Many such cases often come to light where women find it easier to steal in their own house, yet go unnoticed. One more such incident was reported from Secunderabad in 2018 where the wife robbed Rs 10.59 lakh cash and gold ornaments from her home with the help of her brother-in-laws.
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