We may have more men/husbands dying of unemployment, domestic violence and murders than the novel coronavirus itself. Yet our government completely ignores even the extreme form of violence men undergo on a daily basis. Yet another husband murder case has been reported from Madhya Pradesh.
A 38-year-old man was thrashed and killed allegedly by his wife and mother-in-law for not earning during the coronavirus-induced lockdown, police in Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh said on Saturday. The assault took place in Kharkala village on May 24 and he died while undergoing treatment on May 27.
The two women were identified as Leela and Prem Bai, and both were arrested on Saturday. Khalwa police station in charge Radheyshaym Chouhan said,
On the afternoon of May 24, deceased Ramesh’s wife Leela asked him to look for work during the lockdown, which the former said he was unable to. A fight ensued in which Leela and her mother Prem Bai assaulted him, leaving him severely injured.
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The officer added,
Ramesh’s wife also filed a complaint against him for domestic violence. Ramesh was rushed to hospital by his mother and brother, and he died there on May 27. Leela and Prem Bai were arrested for murder based on the statement Ramesh gave before his death.
In similar such incident reported in September 2019, a 40-year-old private firm employee reportedly killed himself using his licensed revolver after shooting at his mother-in-law at his residence in Gomti Nagar extension, Lucknow. The man’s health had not been good for the past few months, following which he quit his job to rest at home.
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After a heated argument, the husband misfired at his mother-in-law and when both were rushed to the civil hospital, man was declared dead on arrival.
The burden of earning and being the provider solely rests on the man even today. Even if a wife is earning, she barely contributes to the daily necessities of a household, and this is only substantiated when a man undergoes depression and harassment in case he loses his job.
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