Three judges from Bihar were caught in an objectionable position with women at a hotel in Nepal in the year 2013. After detailed investigation and as per a report by Jagran, all three have been dismissed after being found guilty in the investigation of the case.
They will also be deprived of their service benefits.
The dismissal of all three judges from a lower court in Bihar has been accepted. The General Administration Department has issued a notice to bring their termination of service into effect.
All the three judges dismissed from their respective profiles will also be deprived of their service dues and other benefits.
The judicial officers whose dismissal notification has been processed, includes:
- Then Chief Justice of Samastipur Family Court, Harinivas Gupta
- Additional District and Sessions Judge (Araria) Jitendra Nath Singh
- Judge cum Chief Magistrate of Araria, Komal Ram
In February 2014, these judicial officers had filed a petition in Patna High Court against their dismissal. A committee of five judges was constituted on May 22, 2015, to investigate this case headed by the Chief Justice of the state high court.
Three months later, this committee gave its report and subsequently, the High Court of Patna upheld the recommendation of their dismissal in September 2020.
Judges Caught With Women In Police Raid
These three sacked judicial officers were found to be in a comprising position with some women at a hotel in Nepal during a raid by the cops. A senior Home Ministry Official had also written a letter to the then General Secretary of Patna High Court in this regard.
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