In a shocking incident reported from Charkhi-Dadri in Haryana, a 15-year-old boy was murdered by his own mother due to her illicit relationship. This piece of news has once again completely gone missing from English mainstream or digital media.
15-year-old Rishi alias Pushp was beaten to death with sticks while he was asleep, and later his body was dumped in a sack and burnt with petrol under the railway over bridge near Ralvadhi bypass.
The motive behind this crime was his mother’s extra marital affair, which was opposed by Rishi.
The police recovered half-burnt body of the youth last month. Later, the accused mother, her lover and the nephew of the lover were interrogated and arrested.
Police Statement
Several police teams were engaged in the investigation of this blind murder. The body was identified on the second day of the murder, post which teams of CIA, Sadar police station and cyber team got involved.
During a press conference, Deputy Superintendent of Police Bali Singh presented the accused mother, her lover and one other person involved in the murder where the entire matter was disclosed.
All three had confessed to killing Rishi during police interrogation.
DSP Bali Singh said that the conspiracy to kill Rishi was hatched by his mother Aarti Devi along with her lover Yasin. The couple wanted to eliminate the woman’s son, as he was allegedly becoming a roadblock in the affair.
Subsequently, Yasin, along with his nephew Armaan reached Aarti’s house and murdered Rishi with sticks while he was sleeping.
After the murder, Yasin, along with Armaan, put the body in a sack and set it on fire by putting petrol under the over bridge of a railway station. All three were remanded into custody.
Crime Has No Gender. Its time we treat Mothers as Human and not Demi Gods!
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