Crimes by women may not be shocking, but crimes by mothers does shake us up. One such case has been solved by Uttarakhand police this week, which is a blot on motherhood.

- Deepak Baluni, who originally hailed from Jaiharikhal (Pauri), worked at Hero MotorCorp
- He was married to Sangeeta, a resident of Gumaniwala, Rishikesh, five years ago
- On Sunday evening, Sangeeta provided false information to the police by reporting the disappearance of her six-month-old son Ansh
- She told the police that she had gone to purchase milk at a nearby dairy, however, when she returned her son was missing
- She also mentioned that at the time of this incident, only her three-year-old daughter was present at home in Sarla Sadan (Sarvapriya Vihar) Colony, Kankhal, Haridwar
- While checking the CCTV footage, SO Hariomraj Chauhan caught the accused mother on camera carrying a black bag
- This made the police highly suspicious and they summoned the woman to the police station late at night for questioning
- After thorough interrogation, she later confessed to her crime

- The police revealed the six-month-old boy was murdered by his own 26-year-old mother Sangeeta Baluni by drowning him in the Ganges
- After the body drowned completely in the river, the mother returned home with the empty black bag
- The main reason given by Sangeeta for murdering her son was she was fed up due to his habit of only breastfeeding and constant crying
- The search for the little one’s body is still on
- Sangeeta’s husband remains ill since he was very attached to the toddler
Of course, we cannot generalise that all mothers are evil. However, when we can differentiate between good Vs evil mothers, we must also distinguish similarly between genuine victims Vs fake sob stories of women, which label every man as the only perpetrator of any domestic violence or crime.
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