The wife of a JMFC (Judicial Magistrate of First Class) from Indore has accused her husband of domestic violence and dowry harassment. The judge, however, has refuted her allegations calling this a false case. The couple got married on January 25, 2000.
Allegations As Level By Wife (Archana Singh Bhadoria) :
- After becoming an ADPO in 2004, husband started ridiculing her for her looks constantly, kept telling her she was not beautiful and that he was ashamed of her
- Later in 2008, her husband tortured her even more after becoming a civil judge
- The wife has alleged that in March 2019, the judge even threatened her with a revolver and demanded that she brought Rs 25 Lakhs from her parental home
- He also kept her as a maid in their store room since many years
- When her brothers came for a discussion, she was thrown out of the matrimonial house

SSP Ruchivardhan Mishra filed a report based on Archana’s allegations and asked the accused husband (judge) to visit the police station. He tried to counsel both parties for nearly an hour, however, when all hopes of a reconciliation failed, a case was registered against the judge.
Vipin Singh Bhadoria – JMFC, and the accused husband in this case said,
My father is an old man and also a heart patient with pacemaker. My wife does not want to look after him. This is the main reason why she has filed a false case of dowry harassment. Our relationships have strained to such an extent that I have also filed an application for divorce in the family court.
If the case is indeed false, the judiciary too will not be spared by disgruntled wives who misuse these women centric laws to their advantage, just to settle score with the husband or perhaps bring him to the negotiating table.

Judiciary should not forget, this is the same law which applies to every other man in India and several families have been destroyed due to alleged false cases which trap married men for life. If these cases don’t set an alarm for our judiciary, the men in this country have a bleak future.
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