The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) on Tuesday declared the results of matriculation (class 10) examination 2020 where 80.59% students of class 10 passed the board examination 2020. Amidst others, one success story of perseverance and determination started coming out of one of the underdeveloped states of India.
Himanshu Raj, a student of Janata High School, Tenuaj in Rohtas district, topped the board examination with 481 out of 500 marks (96.20%). What makes this result endearing is that Himanshu is the son of a vegetable vendor, who despite all challenges has achieved this feat.
The young boy also occasionally helps out his father, while his mother is a homemaker. Himanshu’s village erupted with joy, his teachers recounted that he has been a promising student from an early age. He is also good with extracurricular activities and sports, the teachers at Janata High School said.

Talking to media, Himanshu said he worked very hard for the board exam and spent more than 14 hours a day in studies. The topper aims to become an engineer. Himanshu said,
I will take up science in class 11 and 12 and start preparing for the JEE (entrance exam for engineering) from this year.I wish to become a software engineer. I have an inclination towards electronic objects and want to know how things operate and what goes on inside a computer.
Thanking his family, the boy said,
They sacrificed their comforts to provide me best of the resources available so that I could concentrate on my studies.
The examination was conducted between February 17 to February 24, 2020 during which 14,94,071 students had appeared at the examination at 1368 examination centres across the state.
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A total of 12,04030 students have been declared successful (80.59 per cent) that included 4,03,392 students who passed the examination in first division while 5,24,217 passed in second and 2,75,402 passed in third division, the board said in a press release.
A total of 41 students including 10 girl students were among those who secured position among the top ten in the examination, the BSEB said.

This story is not just about a boy topping the exams, but also speaks volumes of fighting against all odds to achieve your goal. The boy had equal challenges to front, however, he chose to focus on his path instead of crying victim.
Here’s wishing all students congratulations and all the best for their future coarse of action. And the one’s who did not do too well, there’s more to life than just academics!
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