We say, we live in the 21st century! We are open minded! We are not judgemental! We are educated! We respect other’s choice! We are the one who bring change within us to change the world! We are independent! We support the judiciary! We don’t discriminate! We promote equality! We believe past is past, we look forward! We are intelligent!
Nobody amongst us can deny these statements. But the question is, like really? Are we all of this? Or we just pretend to be one? It requires a lot of introspection. Because whatever I am going to share with you now can definitely prove that all statements are miserably wrong. Try to understand the root cause if you are willing to change.
Refer to these above lines again whenever you feel like being biased. Until and unless this article doesn’t disturb your mind, it’s purpose is not going to be fulfilled. It could be harsh, but it will compel you to fundamentally rethink your own thoughts.

Here are few headlines:
- Girl throws acid on boyfriend as her demands were allegedly not met, detained by police
- Husband allows wife to end 7 year marriage & marry her former lover, faced a case for sexual harassment
- Newly married bride files dowry harassment case on father in law who died 11 years ago
- Woman dries her underpants on plane infront of all passengers
- Husband has to submit sex DVD of her wife with another guy to save himself from rape accusations
- Traffic Police afraid of issuing challans to women drivers, fearing false allegations on them
- Wife kills husband, buries him under kitchen slab & cooks for a month while living with her lover
- Famous cosmetic surgeon alleged in false rape case
- Physically challenged husband raising money for alimony to fully abled wife by crowdfunding. IIT-IIM Grad commits suicide due to demand of apartment + 50 Lacs from wife, who wants to settle down with her lover
- “Feels suffocated, want to leave all evidences with parents & commit Suicide” says an educated psychiatrist stuck in false accusation
Wait a second, all Feminist & Meninist! You’re going in the wrong direction. This article is not about who suppressed whom! I can definitely give you cases where women have suffered a lot. But that’s not what my point is. This is about the intelligence of our generation to make the circumstances favourable to us by exploiting the laws and making the life of a person at the other end, hell. Please read the first few lines which i mentioned at the beginning. It will help you to connect the dots.
We talk about ‘Humanity’. I can’t understand what does it really mean? Is it about making our life happy by hook or by crook? Ancient saints used to say when we do something for others for their benefit, keeping themselves on the first place is humanity. Are we lacking humanity in our relationships now-a-days? Why can’t we do something for the person without feeling suppressed or dominated ? Aren’t we able to love anymore unconditionally? This would have been great if we had been taught the true meaning of “EQUALITY“.

There are many problems which hinders this Gender Equality in India such as lack of education, casteism, poor politics, etc. I will not blame anyone but we, the educated people who have the capability of comprehending the true understanding of equality are the real culprits. It all boils down to our selfish behaviour.
Don’t you dare to blame your upbringing and the things you see in your childhood which compelled you to have bias in your behaviour and thoughts. Increasing number of Divorce Cases, is an indication of our rigid behaviour and unwillingness to do something for the person whom we love, and this is unfortunately supported by our “LAW“.
“MONEY” is one of the main factor in this new greedy way of life. I can’t understand if a woman is being harassed domestically or sexually, then instead of demanding justice, they want to settle the cases with money. If this is all about money for her then whats the difference between the prostitution and marriages ? And this will be even worst when it comes to false rape cases. Women can make literally make life of Men near to hell by using Gender Biased Laws, which are made to protect them and not to be a used as a weapon against Men.
I would have definitely said the same for Men if they had any one-sided laws to protect them. So, keep calm feminists. They say that money is required to start a new life. Does starting your new life mean destroying the life of other? And who has developed the logic that only women needs to start a new life for which she needs money and not Men ? Is this what maturity is ? We support this just because it is backed by law.
Women has suffered a lot in the last few decades. But one cannot deny that even if they are not sufficient, several measures have been undertaken for their betterment and advancement. However, if they will take undue advantage of these women-centric laws, how is it going to help them? We learn from our mistakes. We were very late in drafting protection laws for women, and allowed them to suffer. The cases which I mentioned above are the alarming signals which require a proactive action so that we do not end up committing the same mistake again.
Its not about the Gender, we are all Humans. Its about the Equality. Culprit should be punished and it includes the person who directly or indirectly indulges in taking advantage of laws making the other person suffer eventually leading them with the only thought of committing suicide.

One thing we need to understand here that no law can change your thinking and perspective. To be very specific, women are so affected by fake feminism, that if they find little bit of uneasiness with their boyfriends, husbands or parents, they suddenly make it an issue of assault or something else, without even considering the other side of the story. Where is the phenomena called adjustment now? Nobody is saying that only women should suffer and adjust. But if they are deciding to make somebody their partner then they should give it a chance. If they still think that they are the only one’s who are suffering then it is due to lack of understanding of both individuals. Men alone can’t be blamed for it.
If it is proven that man deceived her then he should be punished. A proper investigation should be done as it is a matter of someone’s dignity, pride, and belief. In the current scenario, only Men are gifted with non-bailable police custody without any investigation. Feminism has implanted the thought in some “over enthusiastic women” that on womankind is sufferer and they have to fight come what may. In many circumstances, the women constantly feel victimised even if they are not suffering. A belief has been created that Men are dangerous to them and label all Men as misogynists.
I was astonished by one case where a wife files Dowry Harassment case on her in-laws including the brother of husband who was not even in the country from last few years. Why can’t educated women understand that if they continue to file fake cases, then its direct impact will be on the women who are actually suffering from these issues. These fake cases are just making them suffer more and more.
If you are a true feminist then try to help those uneducated women out there who don’t even know what feminism is. I can assure you that you will find that most men will support you more in this cause, like they have done in the past. One has to understand that the issue of suppression of women can’t be resolved by giving them privileges, instead what is required is to make them feel better & equal!

It’s time to give them a chance to gain their lost self esteem! This will boost up the confidence level of women & relationships will no longer be like a prison for anyone. At the same time Men should also be questioned time and again for the genuine Gender crimes reported against them.
We do not need laws to get justice, but a clean & unbiased thinking is what we require. Don’t forget to read the beginning of this article again…
Abhay Jain
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Did you hear who Time Magazine made person of the year? Its Greta Thunberg. I did have a suspicion that would happen. Dana Perino called it! I’m not sure how I feel about that.