On January 19, news agency ANI shared a post stating that a Muslim woman had been given Triple Talaq by her husband in 2020, since she did not give birth to a ‘son’. ANI quoted,
Delhi: A woman was given triple talaq by her husband in June 2020 after she did not give birth to a son. He also refused to provide her with an allowance for maintenance. The couple has two daughters, aged 20 and 18. The woman, Huma Hashim, has approached the court in this matter.
Delhi: A woman was given triple talaq by her husband in June 2020 after she did not give birth to a son. He also refused to provide her with an allowance for maintenance. The couple has two daughters, aged 20 and 18. The woman, Huma Hashim, has approached the court in this matter pic.twitter.com/s9VL6m5HMj
— ANI (@ANI) January 19, 2021
The post by the national news agency instantly invoked several social media judgements how the man was evil and that he deserved to be jailed. People who fell for one-sided story of the woman also drew conclusions how it was totally wrong for a man to abandon his wife and children by uttering the word “Talaq” thrice.
Since every coin has two sides, it is important for people to hear the man’s version of the story as well. This morning, Men’s Day Out had reverted to ANI, asking them to publish husband’s statement as well.
Can you also cover husband’s version? Stop spreading one sided narrative #SpeakUpMen
— Men’s Day Out (@MensDayOutIndia) January 19, 2021
Husband’s Version
I currently choose not to reveal my name since I am already undergoing immense trauma due to false cases and today’s one sided media report.We have been married for 23-years and have two adult daughters aged 20 and 18 respectively. We have been based out of Delhi, however, I was forced to leave my own home last June after undergoing physical assaults and concocted allegations by my wife.While there had always been frequent fights amongst us, my wife has been extremely dominating to the extent that I was never allowed to even speak to my own family members. On April 13, I had called my sister since it was our father’s first death anniversary. I spoke to her only for 3-minutes when my wife caught me and created havoc. She would physically assault and abuse me constantly. If I dared to retaliate, she would threaten to call police and get me arrested.However, on June 8, 2020, I experienced the final leg of her torture, when on a trivial incident, she threw a glass of lassi on my face while I was having breakfast. She also picked up a knife and started threatening to commit suicide. This is when my elder daughter took a stand for me and filed a complaint at the local police station against her own mother alleging violence against father, blackmailing by mother forcing father to sell parent’s house in Lucknow and also constantly threatening father with false domestic violence case.My elder daughter returned home on June 15 and I merely filed for mediation at Delhi High Court on July 7, requesting intervention to reconcile our differences as a couple. As a rebound, my wife filed several false charges against me.We are Shia Muslims and anyone who understands how Triple Talaq worked – prior to it being abolished -will tell you that the same is not valid itself for Shias. I am 49-years-old and my wife is 46-years-old, however, after 23-years of marriage she has falsely accused me that I unilaterally abandoned her because she cannot give me a son. After more than two decades of living together, my wife has also pressed false dowry harassment charges against me.My wife is politically connected and has approached several forums to get me arrested and humiliate me. Initially she approached Delhi Police, who after investigating the matter, did not see any merit to arrest me. She later approached Delhi Minority Women’s Cell who again wrote a letter to Delhi Police. Once again the cops replied that arrest was not essential in this matter and they sent their report to CAW (Crimes Against Women) Cell.Subsequently, my wife filed a case against the police under Section 153 at the Saket court. However, the matter was dismissed within 2-months. Details of the order have been shared the end of this note.Currently, she has filed for a revision of the said order. She has also filed false domestic violence case against me at sessions court.My wife has not left any stone unturned to ridicule me everywhere. She got me removed from the RWA group alleging that I was a threat to society. She also got a social worker to write a letter to my employer asking them to suspend me from my job because I had an FIR registered against me. When nothing had been working in her interest, she has now got her one sided story published through national news agency ANI.To ANI,You did not even contact me for my version. You did not even bother to contact police to ask what investigation had been done, neither you have read the court order. You went ahead and published one sided story, which has tarnished my reputation beyond repair.My wife is doing everything to drive me to commit suicide.
Court Order Dismissing Wife’s Petition Demanding Arrest Of Husband
- No fruitful purpose will be served by directing registration of FIR as there is no evidence to be collected which the complainant cannot adduce by himself or summoning of records
- That the custodial interrogation of the accused is not required
- That if allowed, it would be an abuse of the process of the law
- Matter listed for pre-summoning evidence for February 21, 2021

Update in the Matter
ANI Publishes One-Sided #TripleTalaq Allegation | Read Husband’s Version & Court Order
To @ANI,
“You did not contact me for my version. You did not even bother to contact police to ask what investigation had been done, neither you have read court order”https://t.co/KOaZ8zBes6
— Men’s Day Out (@MensDayOutIndia) January 20, 2021
Follow Up Article by ANI

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