Support Gender Balanced Independent Media

Blogging about Equal Rights for Men or writing about Gender Biased Laws is often looked upon as controversial, as many 'perceive' it Anti-Women. Due to this grey area - where we demand Equality in the true sense for all genders - most brands distance themselves from a portal like ours. Many advertisers have also shied away from associating with us on Father's Day or International Men's Day, because our articles are largely about separated or falsely accused Men who are looked upon as criminals even before conviction.

We, therefore, look forward to your support as donors who understand our work and are willing to partner with us in our endeavour to spread this cause. We also encourage small donations from a large number of readers, so that we are not influenced or dependent on any one big contributor. Do support our work to counter one sided gender biased narratives in the media.

Make A Direct Donation

Account Name: Voice For Men Foundation
Bank: HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Branch: Chembur, Mumbai
Type of Account: Current
Account Number: 50200059955525
IFSC: HDFC0000013
* While making a direct donation please share your Name and PAN details. This is necessary for your Tax Receipt for exemption under 80G of IT Act
* Only INR Donations Accepted

Have Questions?

Check out our FAQ section to have more clarity on the donations you make. If you have any specific query which may remain unanswered there, feel free to write to us at

Donate To Us

Proceed to pay
Voice For Men India is published by Voice For Men Foundation (VFMF), a non-profit entity. Your donations will be eligible for tax exemption under 80G of the IT Act


Voice For Men Foundation (VFMF)
 is a non-profit Indian organisation registered under sub-section (2) of section 7 and sub-section (1) of section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014.

Voice For Men India (MDO) is a website & youtube channel operated & run by VFMF. 

About the Founder 

Arnaz Hathiram has been an active member of the Men’s Rights Movement since several years and has also represented the delegation that organised a seminar demanding a Commission for Men in India in September 2018. She holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with a specialization in Social Media and has nearly two decades of professional experience.

About Our Funding
MDO was an earnest effort that commenced its operations in July 2019 with the founder's personal savings. We do not have funding from any big investor or corporate as of now. 

Revenue Model 

The portal was started with an aim to spread awareness amongst society about Gender Biased Laws against Men. Initially, we did not collect any funds until traffic on the website started picking up and we accrued higher expenses - after migrating to a private server, towards maintenance of technical backend operations, digital promotions, hiring of staff, others:

  1. We commenced a fundraiser in February 2020 with Milaap, donations from which became a source of our revenue. Proceeds from the same were channelised towards the working and maintaining of the website, including payments to employees, partners and vendors
  2. Besides fundraising, we received top banner Advertisement sponsorship in October 2020, which added to a steady source of revenue that enables us to plan for the coming month
  3. We have a tie up with third-party Ad model, however, the same is on a revenue sharing basis and only transactional after a sale of the respective product

Thus, we largely depend on small donations from maximum number of readers/viewers, that aid us in developing the brand and promoting the cause further. 

Help VFMF Go Advertisement/Investor Free

Any media today depends on certain investors who could possibly influence the content in some way. Venture Capital Investors purely look at Return on Investment (ROI), and VFMF does not intend to go commercial which may impact our work or compel us to publish only certain kinds of articles. 

We also do not believe in cluttering our web space with Google Ads which may or may not be relevant to our readers.

You, as a donor, who firmly believes in the work we do, can empower us by becoming a frequent donor by contributing any sum comfortable with you every month. There is no minimum amount cap on the donation and we humbly welcome your support in every way.

How Can You Donate To VFMF?

You can donate to VFMF by clicking on or you can do direct transfer (IMPS/NEFT/RTGS) to our bank account, details as below:

Make A Direct Donation

Account Name: Voice For Men Foundation
Bank: HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Branch: Chembur, Mumbai
Type of Account: Current
Account Number: 50200059955525
IFSC: HDFC0000013
* While making a direct donation please share your Name and PAN details. This is necessary for your Tax Receipt for exemption under 80G of IT Act
* Only INR Donations Accepted

No. We strictly limit every amount received in the digital or direct banking format only, for accounting and transparency purposes.

VFMF is a non-profit organisation under Indian laws and according to the income tax rules, we are unable to offer you anything exclusive in exchange for your donation. If we do so, the amount collected will be considered as our commercial revenue and not a donation. According to IT Rules, non-profit companies cannot accrue more than 20% profit of its total income.

VFMF will only store your email id and mobile number to ensure that payment confirmation or failure can be recorded and intimated. We may alternately use your email IDs to send you monthly updates on the work we have done.

The tax laws in India also mandate that we must gather details of donors such as name, email id, phone number, and address of all contributors to extend tax benefit under 80G of the IT Act.

Privacy of Data

VFMF confirms that any personal details shared by the donor will be confidential and besides us, the same will be available only with the payments service providers. We are not in the business of selling or trading data.

VFMF uses Milaap as their fundraiser partner for collecting donations online. If you choose to make a donation through Milaap, you will receive a receipt from them confirming your payment to VFMF. You can also download your tax receipt from Milaap after providing your necessary details.

If you wish to make a direct bank transfer to VFMF, please email us ( your payment details along with Name, Email ID, Telephone Number, PAN so that we can send you your tax receipt.

Voice For Men India is published by 'Voice For Men Foundation' (VFMF), a non-profit entity. Your donations will be eligible for tax exemption under 80G of the IT Act

There will be no refund once the payment is received.

We have tried our best to share most of the information that you may have in mind, however, if you still have any further query, please feel free to write to us at