On December 27, we came across an extremely offensive Delhi Metro Ad which read as follows:
“Do you know why we don’t have a Men’s Coach in Metro?
That’s because there are hardly any Men in Delhi.
#Stop_Molesting Be A Man”
The same was a poster put up in a coach of Delhi Metro. Though undated, the image was not photoshopped for certain. Men’s Day Out, which has been constantly opining on how feminism and women empowerment has been reduced to hating men, reached out to Delhi Metro twitter handle and quoted the below:
Image No. 1 | Why don’t you stop travel for Men completely & sustain your revenues only from women? It is fashionable to label all Men as molesters. For the record do check Image No. 2 & dare to post similar memes against women too @ArvindKejriwal @DelhiPolice
Image No. 1 | Why don’t you stop travel for Men completely & sustain your revenues only from women?
It is fashionable to label all Men as molesters. For the record do check Image No. 2 & dare to post similar memes against women too@ArvindKejriwal @DelhiPolice pic.twitter.com/P5pG7r40MT
— Men’s Day Out (@MensDayOutIndia) December 27, 2020
A number of responses followed on the thread, where both men and women outraged against labelling all Men travelling in the metro as ‘Molesters’. We also sent a detailed official email complaint to Delhi Metro demanding a clarification on the matter. Read detailed complaint at the end of the article.
Today, we have received an official response from Delhi Metro, which shockingly accepted that the Ad was indeed put up in the coach. Their reply read as follows:
The matter was enquired and it was found that the advertisement was removed in the month of January 2020. Thank you!
The matter was enquired and it was found that the advertisement was removed in the month of January 2020. Thank you!
— Delhi Metro Rail Corporation I कृपया मास्क पहनें😷 (@OfficialDMRC) December 29, 2020

While a response is appreciated, it is also extremely painful to learn that a government entity actually sanctioned such a derogatory Ad against men. Of course, no apology has followed yet.
We are living in times, where it is so fashionable to bash men and mere word of the woman against a male gender is taken as gospel truth. Sadly, the mindset of the society needs to change, as the same could be applicable on your own family member or loved one sooner or later.
Official Complaint Sent to Delhi Metro By Men’s Day Out
(Dated: December 27, 2020)
Dear Team Delhi Metro,
“Do you know why we don’t have a Men’s Coach in Metro?
That’s because there are hardly any Men in Delhi.
#Stop_Molesting Be A Man”
Image No. 1 | Why don’t you stop travel for Men completely & sustain your revenues only from women?
It is fashionable to label all Men as molesters. For the record do check Image No. 2 & dare to post similar memes against women too@ArvindKejriwal @DelhiPolice pic.twitter.com/P5pG7r40MT
— Men’s Day Out (@MensDayOutIndia) December 27, 2020
[You can follow all responses from all genders on this offensive banner)
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