Hi… Non Infy guy…aged 35.. passout from a reputed engineering college and working in a IT company with a decent income. I got married a year and a half ago due to extreme pressure from my parents and relatives. Not that I disliked the girl completely but i had my own compatibility issues with her, as she is completely materialistic girl and a person who would bank upon others hard earned money to enjoy life. I asked my time to agree to this girl, and that’s when my father physically and mentally tortured to say yes to her. And finally I had to scumm to this pressure and got married.The girl had initially said she is a career orientated person and would want to work after marriage, and simultaneously try for government administrative jobs ( I had my doubts here and I felt these were to impress me and I felt it’s not genuine ). When it was a week or so close to our marriage, one day she calls me up and says she prefers to stay at home and not work after marriage, for which I said OK too.I had got her gold worth 3 lakhs (USD 4500) for marriage and this much gold was promised to their family by my dad without my knowledge.Things were initially fine for first 2-3 months after marriage, and she started to demand gold chain, ear rings, and insisted I enrol a monthly based gold scheme in her name. She wanted a AC to be fitted in the bedroom, a dressing table and every month I should buy dresses for her. We have maid to clean and to do dishes, and on top of it she was demanding a additional maid who can cook.Listening to all this, I never fulfilled any of her above desires thinking her desires will never end. Her mom is very much equal with this kind of a mentality and she is one who is guiding her with all this non sense. She is a kind of a person who doesn’t have a aim in life and all the time she used to tell me how guys (5-6 in number) were behind her in collage and work place.We had some arguments one day and she left home in March 2020 and hasn’t returned home for 7 good months till now. Due to social pressure, I feel she will come back one day as she had a elder brother and a younger sister to be married off.What should I do when she returns home ? Should I allow her to my home ? Need some genuine suggestions.
Infosys Husband Employee | “Feel Suffocated, Want To Leave All Evidences With Parents & Commit Suicide”

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