We all read about an all-women flight that flew over the North Pole covering a distance of about 16,000 kilometers. However, success stories of young boys and men in general hardly create buzz in social media, due to the age old notion of men are successful by default due to patriarchy.
His Story
19-year-old engineering student from Kerala’s Thrissur saved the lives of four fishermen who were drowning in the sea off the Kerala coast.
The events unfolded on the morning January 5 in Thalikkulam, a coastal village in Thrissur, Kerala when a small vessel carrying 4 fishermen collapsed in the sea around 11 nautical miles from the coast.
While the fishermen managed to make a distress call, other fishermen could not locate them.
Dewang Subil, an engineering student, was at home when he heard about this accident from his father. He rushed to the coast with his drone and suggested the search party to use his drone to locate the fishermen.
With the help of the local MLA and after procuring necessary permission, Dewang ventured into the sea in another fishing boat with his drone.
Around 11 nautical miles from the coast, he flew his drone from the boat and helped in locating all four fishermen at different.

About the Incident
Devang is a B.Tech student at Bengaluru’s Christ University, who had returned to his hometown in Thrissur, Kerala after his college got closed due to the pandemic. He heard about a boat that had gone missing from the Nattika beach of the city, and fishermen and rescue workers were quite worried.
When Devang approached them with the suggestion of using his drone, he was immediately dismissed, with people telling him that ‘it wasn’t child’s play’. However, as reported by The New Indian Express, after Nattika legislator Geetha Gopi heard about his request, she approached the police and the rescue workers at the site and managed to accommodate Devang on the rescue boat with his drone. He added,
When the boat reached around 11 nautical miles away from the coast, I pressed the drone and within 10 minutes, I could see one man who was floating in the sea, clinging on to a fishing pot, in my mobile phone display.
The fishermen and coastal police then took the boat near to him and we could spot two other fishermen 200 m away from where the first man was found.
Devang further said,
It took some time to find the fourth fisherman as he was swimming close to shore after the accident. One fisherman was about to drown when I spotted him as his swimming skill was poor. Soon after he was rescued, he lost consciousness.
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